Saturday, August 24, 2024

Scum and Villany again

I was running a Beacon game online since Covid and finally had to change it up due to various issues I won't go into here.  I had been running Blades in the Dark with another group and I found myself wanting to fire up Scum and Villainy again as it was the first Forged in the Dark system I ran (or played) and I was figuring out all the things I had missed or not got right the first crack at it.  I did enjoy S&V quite a bit but I had used a lot of my own setting and extra rules the first go round, which didn't always sync well with the existing systems.  I had taken some ideas from Ashen Stars and Traveler to shoe horn in to S&V,  and while it worked pretty well, it did have some rough edges when we played.  I found it was a great system to run exciting scenes but fell down in creating a lived-in world where players drove their story.  After playing Blades for a while and finally running the game and getting some more experience with the fluid Forged in the Dark narrative game style, and after experiencing those rules for turf, heat, etc. I kept thinking how those things worked (or didn't work for me) in Scum and Villainy.

This time I wanted to really leverage what was in the book as much as I could before changing things.  I have been trying to use the existing factions, the existing systems and the existing game rules and so far its been working very well.  As the PCs encounter these factions they are choosing sides and making decisions based on their encounters which would not have happened if I had fleshed out similar institutions for them like in the past.  I have a greater appreciation for the game world content this time and the brief outlines of content provided does fit the open narrative play style better than the more contrived worlds and situations I tried to wedge in the first time around. My initial reaction to the game was that the rules were really good but the setting material was only sketched out, however after actually playing I see how the simple but evocative setting info lets you and your players really make the game into your own rich story.  I can easily grab a name or a faction from the list and then fit it into the situation at hand, but they all come with environmental baggage, something a random name generator does not. 

I did decide to use the optional rule for Fuel which I think works brilliantly to keep the PCs from gadding about too much in the early game and being more choosy about where they go in general.  The fuel rule says that you can store 2 fuel per engine rating and use 1 fuel to make a jump or use a jump gate.  This means it takes minimum 3 fuel to leave a system (jump to gate, use gate, jump to destination) and so unless you start with level 2 engine you need to work a bit in system before you can bugger off.  You can't easily travel across multiple systems until later in the game, which has a nice parallel with increased player knowledge and story momentum. There is also some psychology here because although Fuel is pretty cheap (it costs 1 CRED to refuel no matter what your engine rating) 1 CRED is still enough to think about and lots of times the PCs have chosen to jump somewhere else in system and use up fuel instead of 'wasting' it with a top up at the local port.  That's even when I implied a really bad jump might leave them stranded.  As the PCs improve their engine rating, they have more fuel to work with and also there are fun things you can do to have fuel loss lost be a consequence or have them dump the jump fuel into the afterburner to make a fast escape.

Fuel also puts a limit on outrunning heat in the early game, since heat is distinct for each system and you can't reduce heat locally.  Heat is a great story driver and the first time I ran the game it wasn't even an issue as the PCs simply kept moving to avoid it.  Fuel keeps things feeling a bit more like the pressure cooker of Blades in the Dark and I like that side effect.  It also makes the closed space of 4 systems seem a lot bigger, with the PCs spending more time in each location.  I think its better to have a lot of heat build in the early game as the hungry crew starts out and then later as they improve their lot, they can start managing it better.  If gives a real sense of progress that other ship system improvements might not. 

Related to this, I also house ruled that there is no instant communication between systems and all information had to be 'pony expressed' through the gates which also contributed to this feeling of bigness and explained why you couldn't just do all your legwork online. If you needed to talk to someone on Vos you had to go to Holt (or send them a letter). The first time I ran S&V I had added in 3or 4 extra systems and it still felt smaller than my current game simply because they could call anyone or go anywhere when they liked.  I 100% recommend using jump fuel and limiting coms/Nexus link to the local system if you like the idea of the story opening up as you go.

I'm having a great time running the game this time around and as I figure it out I may post some more updates.  I was always more interested in the Sci-fi theme of Scum and Villainy than the steampunk horror of Blades in the Dark but I had thought Blades did the rules better, a big part of that was I brough some baggage to that first game and so wasn't really comparing things fairly.  A big part of that for me was how Blades focused on consequences by using the Turf and Heat mechanic but S&V seemed to shoot it's consequences in the foot by making the lair mobile and spreading Heat around more.  However my second time at the plate I can see that although it is a looser game with gambits and regional Heat, it is just as good at what its wants to do as its parent system.  Good job to the authors Stras Acimovic and John LeBoeuf-Little on this one as Scum and Villainy is a real treat.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hello there,

Upper Canada Irregulars is nothing if not irregular.  

This blog has been a companion site to the Upper Canada Irregulars Facebook group (for meeting and photos of games) and then the Steam group (for playing games, mostly Left 4 Dead) and finally it became by default a companion to the UCI discord.  You can find nice links to all these on the side bar to the... well side.

I don't think I've done a checkpoint in a loooong time so I thought I should do it, just to bring things up to date if anyone found their way over here.

The mandate of the Upper Canada Irregulars brand is to hook up games for people who kind of know each other.  You can find lots of game groups online and that's swell but it is nice to play things with folks you've played with before, especially things like 4X war games or RPGs.   Now whether you know each other through someone else or even just though Upper Canada Irregulars is immaterial, its all good.  Upper Canada is a geographic thing as well but that geography could be where you grew up, or where you currenly live or where the game is happening or where some of the players live/work/have friends/are traveling through.  Games are more fun when shared and discussed so the Upper Canada Irregulars is  meant to facilitate that.  

The UCI discord server was set up to allow people to discuss a bunch of topics and also to manage voice and video conferencing when playing games online.  The problem I found with the Facebook group was there was no way to have a decent conversation.  When people tried to organize or discuss things on Facebook it got lost in the Facebook shuffle and so it became a place to put up pictures, and then eventually a place where nothing happened.  This blog was set up around the time the Steam group was created, so some of the fun logos come from that time period.  The Steam group is still there and it would still be a good place to join and find other steam players for Steam games if anyone wanted to.  I'd sure be glad to see people using it again since there are now a ton of great action and strategy games on Steam now.  Some good options for board games on Steam would be Lords of Waterdeep, Scythe, Game of Thrones, Root, Wingspan etc.  A ton of great board game adaptions.  Co-op games area favorite of mine and some good ones would be the aforementioned Left 4 Dead (1 or 2), Vermintide 2, Helldivers 2, or Deep Rock Galactic.  There is also 4x games like Stellaris, turn based games like Mordheim and a pile of RTS style games it would be fun to play with folks you can talk to after the battle.  

Last in time, the UCI Discord was created and I'm focusing on that for the moment since it is really great for keeping various discussions sorted and has an old school chatroom vibe, but also you can spin up a voice or video chat very easily, and soon will be able to run Roll20 games (and others) right in the interface.  Sweet right?  When you hit the discord for the first time you land in the lobby.  Make yourself known and I'll add you to the right groups based on what your interests are so you can see what you want to see.  The Member role will give you channels for different topics but I just fired up a role/channel for an upcoming Scum and Villainy game I'm running.  If you want to run a game and need a place to do it let me know.

I would like to see people using the discord to meet and set up games and play.  I'd also like to one day try a bigger get together to play some larger/longer board games in person.  I've been fortunate to play some Twilight Imperium games the last couple years and have posted some of the pics on the discord.  It would be great to see more of that sort of funny business.

That's probably enough exposition for now.  If you want to play a game and tire of endless go nowhere email chains then maybe you can find a game here. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Upper Canada Regular

Well, I know I was running a bit into the grey conducting myself as a guiding member of Upper Canada Irregulars while technically living in Lower Canada but no longer!  I'm back in Ontario, and more specifically living smack dab along in the midst of Old Upper Canada in what was once Oxford-On-Rideau.  That's pretty much as Upper Canada as anyone could ask for.

What does this mean for the Irregulars?  Probably nothing.  I do have a garage now which could easily be turned into an impromptu game parlour, I have tons of room for tenting.  Even a swimming pool.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

New Planets

One of the old classic 4X space games was VGA Planets and it had a pretty big following in the day - the day being back when Ataris roamed the earth and the next generation of Star Trek was but a glimmer in Gene's eye.

It's Still going on.  In fact there is a pretty interesting web site called Planets Nu which is a VGA Planets collector and which has a pretty good interface for HTML only.  I'm telling you it's a lot like Space Empires in many ways which is giving it highest praise indeed.  There seems to be a fairly active community and you can play some trial games for free.  If you like it you can upgrade to the full monty for something like 30$ a year which is peanuts really for a decent game.

If you want to join up use my link so we can both get a 20% bonus on premium days.  Premium days let you run extra games and stuff.  I'm not sure what I'd do with premium days but there you go - its free stuff.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Motorcycle patches

I have been wanting to come up with a decent motorcycle patch to wear for Upper Canada Irregulars.
I think it would be pretty sweet even if there are very few UCI folks with motorcycles.  Looking into it a bit it looks like you can order a custom back patch for about $150 so for about the price of a couple games I could get one made.  What to put on it however?  Obviously it should have "Upper Canada" across the top and "Irregulars" across the bottom in motorcycle patch style.  It needs a snazzy image in the middle.  I'm sure if I had something worked up it would inspire more members to get motorcycles and we could go driving all over the place and invite remarks on how cool it all is to be a rapidly mobile gamer in the modern world.

There is the Knife-fighting Lobster logo which graces this blog and is super cool.  I'm not sure it would work but if it was adapted into a coat of arms it could possibly be interesting.  There is also the good ol' Governor General's flag which was made famous by blowing in Bingo's face during the inaugural UCI photoshoot.  I suppose that could be adapted somehow.

Looking around on the internet I found this pretty cool image from a medal issued after the war of 1812.  That could be interesting, especially reusing the font and incorporating the beaver, the lion and the eagle there.  Maybe make them play Twilight Imperium or Puerto Rico or something.

Read more about it
Not being a graphic artist or any caliber I'd certainly welcome any submissions from the membership. Davie once did up a crazy logo for the group based on the UCI letters and some vague references from me about a RISK pieces, but it was pretty abstract and I'm not sure it would make a good patch. I should see if I can dig it up post it anyway.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

UCI Spring Update

If you are a member of the Facebook Upper Canada Irregular group you already know two things:

1. There is a UCI spring game in Hamilton first weekend of May.  Well pretty sure there is - I booked time for it anyway.

2. There is a Google+ Ashen Stars game getting underway for every second Thursday starting on April 16.

Also a third thing is that the Space Empires campaign Deos Esse Furiosum is still trucking along - slowly but still trucking.  We are on turn 23 now.  The SE3 Nova Imperium newb game is no longer a newb game being in turn 95 and indeed gotten very interesting.  I haven't done my turn in a little while but I do feel bad about that - see the next point.

Also Elite: Dangerous is now available on Steam.  I haven't played in a bit because I've been either busy or tired from being busy - but its the bee's knees.  Space bees.

I just thought it would be nice to throw out an update.  The social sites are nice and all but it takes a blog post to put a pin in things so they don't wash away under the constant sea of Kitten videos and 20 minute political movements.

Well back to work.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I'm kind of addicted to Elite: Dangerous at the moment.  It is a real rush to be flying Internet spaceships again and swearing when my ship gets destroyed or when I screw up and get scanned and fined by the police for carrying contraband.  Good times.

However what possessed me to write here was Sid Meiers Starships which I saw on Steam the other day as something that's coming out soon.  iPad, PC and Mac. Turn based strategy. 15$ price tag.  All these are excellent indicators that this game is something to take notice of.  They you look at the screen shot.

Looks like something I would want to try...  Image by 2K
  That is very nice.

The kicker here is that there is no multi-player.  Boooooooooooooosh.  So close but no love  Why does no one understand the need for a good turn based play by email (or web) multi-player space game?  Well back to the Space Empires boys and wait for the next heartbreak.