Thursday, July 24, 2014

Irregulars Assemble!

I got really sick of flinging around emails and trying to remember who was interested in what and then getting it wrong so I figured that a central place to meet up would be best.  We did this a bit on my old private web server for all my hoodlum friends many years ago and we did it again on Facebook, and one time I had a Left 4 Dead server running with a web page on it.  Oh the memories.

Anyway this is the lowest common denominator.  No registration required, no fancy instructions.  If you use the subscription features you can get updates of posts here.  It will also probably post to G+ if anyone monitors that.  I'm not going to try to add too many gizmos and doo-dads on here but I will add some if its useful.  A calendar might be nice - maybe some polls or whatnot.  Mostly I wanted a place to post information to the group about games we like, games we might want to like, games we don't like and most important of all - games we are playing with each other.   Maybe you are interested in posting pictures of a recent game you played.  Maybe someone wants to write a series of posts about the time they played Civilization II or a dissertation on why everyone should give the ET videogame another chance.  Someone might like to post a game review or make comments on one someone else has written.  We can put up pages for the longform games we are currently playing so we can slag each other about it.

If you want author rights to this blog let me know, otherwise some of us will publish posts about stuff and the rest of us will use the comments to make stupid remarks.  If you want me to add a link to your crappy blog or crappy website or crappy facebook page then let me know.


  1. Hey fella pretty cool, So I've playing tonnes of 7 Wonders... the 2 player option is just as great as the full on game ... and Venture Bros. s.5 is the shit...can I say that here or are you going all high brow ?

    1. Certainly you can. I also hope you keep checking in here and get in on one of the games we get going. We have been playing SE3 over email for the last year but probably will start up something new soonish for different folks.
